Are you longing to break the power of shame in you life?
Are you longing for safe community?
Are you longing for healing but don’t know how?
Are you longing for a renewed intimacy with God?
I’ve been teaching the Bible for 25 years…
First in youth groups, across coffee tables, and in school libraries. Now I get the honor of doing it on stages across the country! I love teaching and preaching. But, you know what else I love?? Mentorship.
I have always loved gathering around tables or in small settings and doing life with women while pouring into them at the same time. But, if I’m honest, as my speaking ministry grew, I found myself surrounded more and more by big crowds and less and less in small groups. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ll forever teach and preach to whoever God brings before me. It is my passion! And at the same time I have found myself really wanting to invest more deeply into smaller groups of women as well.
So, I was praying about a way to take what I have taught from the stage and actually walk it out in practical ways with women who are hungry for transformation. That is why the Intentionally Her Cohort was created.
What Is It?
The Intentionally Her Cohort is an online six month journey dedicated to helping women intentionally live into the truth of who they are. We believe that we will never become women of purpose by accident, so that means we have to do it Intentionally.
This cohort is a trauma informed, Biblically based, and Holy Spirit led space dedicated to nurturing a woman‘s journey towards maturity in Christ by providing tools for emotional healing, spiritual growth, and purposeful living—and by creating a supportive space for every woman to intentionally unearth who God created her to be. It is a compassion led program determined to create safety for women to be able to be where they are without shame and yet not stay where they are through God’s grace.

In this Cohort we will spend the next six months focused on these pillars:
Healing Emotionally
Together we will:
Learn how to release shame and live into your true identity.
Identify ways in which parts of your story may be holding you back and a path towards healing.
Learn how to befriend ourselves with deep compassion and grace.
Learn some of the wonder behind how God wired our brains to heal, and be given tools and resources to give us the confidence to pursue transformation in this area.
Sit in and study God’s Word regarding our emotions and learn His heart towards them.
Learn how to find the source of the wounds that are making us stagnant, and teach you how to partner with the Holy Spirit in your healing.
Growing Spiritually
Together we will:
Identify any pain points you may have with the Lord and how it may be affecting your relationship with Him.
Establish regular rhythms of connecting with God through assigned Spiritual practices of silence, solitude, prayer, and Lectio Divina (Scripture meditation).
Learn and practice how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Learn how to practice “Full-brained discipleship” by engaging God with not only our logic and reason, but with our imaginations, senses, emotions and experiences.
Living Purposefully
Together we will:
Assess how God has uniquely gifted you for the Kingdom.
Identify mindsets and beliefs holding you back from walking in purpose.
Dive into identity work through lessons from the life of David and others.
Strategize a way to move forward in your dreams with tangible action steps and guided support.

“First off, IH will change your life forever. Tiana brings safety, truth, and space for everyone. The women in the Cohort are amazing and will come along side you on your journey with zero judgement and 100% love. There's so much you can learn from this experience that will have an immediate impact on how you see yourself, and your relationships. Also, the practical tools to sustain insights/learned create a more disciplined approach in how to engaged with God are worth it only. As I type this I am in tears because I could not have asked for a safer, healing space to address so many things a had stuffed down (I had no clue they were there). I see Jesus all around me even in my darkest moments of sin, sadness, and now joy. I am eternally grateful for this experience.”
“Before I joined the cohort I was feeling stagnant and felt the need to drill a little deeper and closer to God and discovering, who He is, who I am in Him. And wanting to discover and follow the purpose He has for me. I came in for one thing and discovered so much more. Being intentional and aware about the different ways in which I can have a two way relationship and communication with God and putting it into practice. The process Tiana walks with you is beautifully layed out, enabling you to discover for yourself the areas that need healing, what’s holding you back. It helps you grow in your faith and feel the heart of God while holding space for one another.”
Before the cohort, i really didn't believe or accept the grace of a loving Father because I felt so burdened by the choices and failures of my past. So while doing "church" for years, I still left empty and disconnected. I feel that since the cohort, I've learned to accept my Father's love; realizing that NOTHING can separate me from it. And, in this I've learned that "I didn't need to kill (not literally) me. I need to love me." In other words, I need to accept ALL of me because my Father has. I've seen the most growth in learning how to prioritize spending time with my Father. How to truly MEDITATE on the word of God with tools that I've been introduce to thru the cohort that have changed my life forever.
“I feel like I am learning to love me again, I have gained a community of sisters that I see being friends beyond the class, and I have learned to be uncomfortable during the process and pushing past a place where I didn’t think I could go. I now realize that I had to go there to get my healing, and it was worth every second of it. I have taken my story back from those that thought they had my voice, and I am prepared to continue on this journey beyond this cohort. This is just the beginning!”
“I feel like I am so much kinder and more compassionate towards myself. I am choosing to practice curiosity rather than being so critical. I feel like my eyes have been opened to the wonder of living life with Jesus, of drawing closer to Him in the most vulnerable of ways while experiencing what it means to be fully known and fully loved. I feel like I have been equipped with practical tools to navigate trauma and hurt as the Lord continues to surface things. I feel like I moving more towards becoming a woman of peace.”

What you need to know:
Meetings: Join me for two group Zoom meetings every month. There will be two options for cohort nights: Mondays at 6pm PST/ 9pm EST or Tuesdays at 5pm PST/ 8pm EST. Whichever you choose will be your meeting time for the duration of the cohort season.
Community: Outside of meetings we will stay connected through a group chat where we will share our experiences, ask questions, and keep each other accountable in our progress.
This Cohort is for you if:
You know it’s time to stop being held back by the lies of the enemy and the pain of your story.
You are a Christian woman looking to deepen your faith and progress in your healing.
You want the benefits of doing life in community and growing in vulnerability with your sisters in Christ.
You are ready and committed to show up well to your life and participate in your own transformation.
Cost: $249 per month. First payment is your deposit due within 48 hours of application acceptance. The remaining 5 payments will be billed on the 5th of each month through automatic withdrawal.
Time: This is a six month commitment starting in February 2025- July 2025. The cohort will be small—consisting of 8-10 women who are committed to working together for the duration of the cohort.
Commitment: This cohort is designed with transformation in mind. You will be given a workbook that will consist of daily or weekly short readings/devotionals and questions designed to assist you in digging deep. The workbook will require your engagement for a full experience. It all depends on the time you set aside, but you can expect to spend 3-4 hours a week (30 min a day) engaging your devotionals as you build a consistent practice of being with Jesus and allowing Him to tend to your soul.
*We understand that life is busy. This workbook is meant to be a guide, not a chain! The good news is the workbook is yours to keep so you can return to it at anytime once the cohort is over to finish what you didn't get to.
Disclaimer: *We believe everyone has a story that has been touched and wounded by humanity. Whether you have Big “T” traumas or not, we believe everyone should be regularly examining their lives to notice, acknowledge and allow God to tend to any pain that is affecting how they currently show up to their lives. Part of our program involves “story work,” where we reflect on significant moments in your life, both positive and challenging. This process can bring up memories of past wounds or grief. If you feel that engaging in this type of work might be too difficult for you right now, Intentionally Her Cohort might not be the right fit at this time. However, if you feel prepared, it can be beneficial to navigate story work with the support of community and the trauma-informed mentorship we will provide.

How about one on one coaching as well?
I have a few spots available for cohort members who would like to be part of the group coaching experience, and receive one on one Inner Healing Coaching with me.
In addition to everything included in the cohort experience, you will also receive a 60 minute call with me three times during the cohort—before our first group call to begin the process of sitting in your story to help bring some context to where you currently find yourself. We will meet again mid-way through the cohort to help you process your learning in a personalized setting, and after the cohort to address whatever you feel you need to and make sure you have clear next steps for future growth. Though completely optional, the women who have selected this option believed it greatly enhanced their experience.
If you’re interested, please make sure to check this option on the application form.
Click here to learn more about Inner Healing Coaching and myself!

Hearing from a few more sisters…
Lisa H.
Because of this cohort I am treating myself with more grace. I am spending more intentional time in silence before the Lord daily. Emotionally, I think the different tools and strategies discussed have given me more options to enable me to better sift through my feelings, esp the intense ones. I am keeping a list of "gifts that bring me joy" on a daily basis (listing 3 a day on most days). I am also loving Lectio Divina and the app that I use most mornings and some evenings to begin and end my day re-focusing on the Lord.
Erin S.
I would recommend this to someone because it was an awesome experience and cool to make connections that can be continue once it is over. It is so important to have a vision of who you intentionally want to be, and then to have support and accountability to go after that. If you put in the effort, you won't leave the same. You will gain language for how to talk about things, try out new ways to connect with God and see what makes sense for you. you will get encouraged to stretch and do the things outside of your comfort zone- and end up being really glad that you did.